Hi, I’m Alastair.

It turns out I am a distant relative of Laurence Sterne. This is only interesting if you’re into English literature. He was a pastor and author of the first bawdy humour book in English history, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. I too am a pastor and an author. I also struggle to keep my sense of humour in check. But the parallels between Larry and me stop there.  

I serve as the associate pastor of Coastline Church in Victoria, B.C. I previously partnered with Redeemer City to City and many others to start a church in downtown Vancouver, B.C. In the heart of this post-Christian city, St. Peter’s Fireside now exists. Before this initiative, I worked in communication design for a decade and was featured in HOW, CMYK, Applied Arts, and other outlets.

I have a Diploma in Graphic Design from The Art Institute, a Masters Degree in Biblical Studies from Asbury Theological Seminary, a Graduate Certificate in Values-Based Leadership from Royal Roads University, and a Doctor of Intercultural Studies from Fuller Theological Seminary.